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Senin, 19 April 2010

Physics animations, film clips, interactive tutorials and supporting pages

Physclips is funded by
The Australian Learning
and Teaching Council  

Physics animations, film clips, interactive tutorials and supporting pages

Volume 1: Mechanics
Volume 2: Waves and Sound
Volume 3: Electricity and Magnetism
physics animations mechanics
More chapters will be added during 2010.

The Physclips project provides learning and reference tools for students and resources for teachers. The level is approximately that of introductory university or advanced high school (For some primary school resources, seeGlimpses of Science.).
Each chapter includes a multimedia tutorial, with interactive control, which gives a brief overview. Hyperlinks provided within and at the ends of the tutorial link to broader and deeper discussions. The individual film clips, animations, diagrams and photos are freely available as downloads for teachers and designers, either individually or in a compressed file.
To date, we provide largely completed volumes on Mechanics (11 chapters) and Introduction to Special Relativity (6 chapters). The volume on Waves and Sound has begun (3 chapters) and we shall add more chapters as they are completed. For Electricity and Magnetism, we provide a set of resources and support pages on applications, but as yet no tutorials or formal development. So far, only Waves and Sound has home experiments, and only Relativity incorporates a self test.

Physclips has won the Physics division of the2007 Pirelli Prizes for Science Communication

physics animations - relativity
Einsteinlight: Relativity in 10 minutes or 10 hours
Einsteinlight was the predecessor to Physclips. The multimedia modules give a brief overview of relativity - they present the main ideas. Inevitably, you will have questions. So the related links give more complete explanations, at levels with () or without mathematics (). The text from the multimedia modules is available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
review in Science magazine
Science Magazine review
award from Scientific American
Scientific American Science and Technology Awards 2005
Einstein Light has also been recommended by a range of other organisations, journals and web directories, including the Australian Institute of Physics, the Sunday Times, Yahoo (pick of the day, 22/10/2005) etc.

Authored and Presented by Joe Wolfe
Multimedia Design by George Hatsidimitris
Laboratories in Waves and Sound by John Smith


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